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Reflect Islam

The Thinking Person's Guide to Islam

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Al-Ism and Al-Musammā

This discussion is not considered a fundamental discussion of Kalam, rather a semantic and subsidiary issue. The main reason as to why it...

Fatih Sultan Mehmet’s War Poem

Allah yolunda savaşmaktır niyetim İslam dininin yalnızca yücelmesidir gayretim My intention is to fight in the path of Allah, My effort...

I Learnt from the Mesnevi

Mesnevi’den ders aldım Oldum Mevlana gibi Uçsuz ummana daldım Yüzdüm Mevlana gibi I learnt from the Mesnevi (of Rumi), I became like...

The Beatific Vision

This short paper intends to touch briefly upon the position of the Aḥl al-Sunnah—the Asharites and Maturidites—with regards to the...

Muqadimāt al-Sanūsī

In the name of Allah May Allah shower His prayers and peace upon our Master Muhammad, upon his family and companions. The Shaykh, Imām,...

Ey Habib-i Muhterem

Ey Habib-i Muhterem, lûtfet şefaat kıl bize Ah u feryâd eyleriz biz hasretindir gam bize O the Honoured Beloved, please intercede for us!...

Ey Hatîce Annemiz

Ey Hatîce annemiz ey çâresizler çâresi Ey Resûl-i Kibriya'nın zevcesi hem sâyesi Ehli Beytin masdarı mü'minlerin sertâcın Hazret-i Zehrâ...

Sen Muhammed Mustafasın

Sen Muhammed Mustafasın You are Muhammad the Chosen Seni görmedim dünyada Bir görüşe bin can feda Lütfeyle düşte rüyada Bir kere...

Ey Sevgili Ey Rasûl - Turkish Ilahi

Ey Rasûli kibriyâ Ey hâtemi Enbiyâ Nûri çeşmi esfiya Ey Sevgili Ey Rasûl O Messenger of the Great! O Seal of all Prophets! The light of...

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