Ey Habib-i Muhterem, lûtfet şefaat kıl bize
Ah u feryâd eyleriz biz hasretindir gam bize
O the Honoured Beloved, please intercede for us!
Our weeping and outcry, your longing is our sorrow!
Pek yazık eltâfını inkâr eden münkirlere
Pür hatâyız pür günâhız râhm ü şefkat et bize
Pity much those that deny his grace
We are wrongful and sinful, be merciful and tender with us
Bende-i ihsânınız, aşkın bize ancak penâh
Sensin her dü alemin şâhi inâyet kıl bize
A slave to your favour, your love is our only salvation
It is you who is the master of both worlds, Aid us!
Ateş-i hicrân-ı hasretten halâs et Ken'an'ı
Hasretin nâr-ı cehennemden de efzûndur bize
In the fire of longing separation, annihilate Kinan!
Your longing for us is more [intense] than the fire of Hell
Written by Kinân Rifâi Hz.
Translated by Shams Tameez | Istanbul | 24 Ramadan 1441
