Ey Rasûli kibriyâ
Ey hâtemi Enbiyâ
Nûri çeşmi esfiya
Ey Sevgili Ey Rasûl
O Messenger of the Great!
O Seal of all Prophets!
The light of the Sufi’s fountain!
O Beloved O Messenger!
Dilenciyim kapıda
Yerim varmı yanında
Sancağinın altında
Ey Sevgili Ey Rasûl
I am begging at the door
Do I have a place next to you
Beneath your banner [of praise]
O Beloved, O Messenger!
Namı Habibi zişan
Nuru âleme taşan
Sensiz haller perişan
Ey sevgili ey Rasûl
The name of the honoured Beloved
Its light pours into the universe
Without you states are miserable
O Beloved, O Messenger!
Nice Peygamber geldi
Ümmetine özendi
Rabbim Habibim dedi
Ey sevgili ey Rasûl
All Prophets came
They desired the Ummah
My Lord said, ‘My Beloved!'
O Beloved, O Messenger!
Yollarına gül serin
Geldi Muhammed Emin
Rahmetellil Âlemin
Ey sevgili ey Rasûl
Spread roses in the paths
Muhammad the Trustworthy has come
Mercy to the Universe
O Beloved, O Messenger!
Translated by Shams Tameez
17 Ramadan 1441 | Istanbul
