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Matn Al-‘Aqīdah Al-Hafīdah (Sughrā Sughrā al-Sughrā)

Shams Tameez


In the name of Allah. All praise is for Allah and Prayers and Peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. Know that Allah is a necessarily-existent-being, pre-eternal, everlasting, unlike His creation, free from any place and specifier, single in His essence, attributes and actions.

It is necessary for Him: omnipotence, volition, knowledge, life, Hearing, sight and speech. He is omnipotent, willing, knowing, living, hearer, seeing and speaking.

It is [rationally] inconceivable for Him the Exalted: non-existence, temporariness, [being] produced from non-existence, being similar to created beings, in need of place, specifier and equal. And likewise [it is inconceivable] for Him, Glory and Majestic is He: incapacity, compelled, ignorance, death, deaf, blind and dumb.

It is possible for Him the exalted: doing, or leaving of, anything contingent.

The evidence of His existence is the existence of the universe. If He was not pre-eternal then He would have been temporal. If He was not everlasting then He would not be pre-eternal. If He was not unlike His creation then He would be like them.

If He was not self-subsisting then He would depend on place or a specifier and if He depended on a place then He would be an accidental-qualification and if He was dependent on a specifier then He would be temporal. If He was not singular then He would be compelled.

If it was not necessary for Him: omnipotence, volition, knowledge and life then nothing would be [in existence] from His creation. If He was not attributed with hearing, seeing and speaking then He would be deficient - Exalted is Allah from that with a mighty exaltation! If doing or leaving contingent things was not possible then [ontological] natures would alternate - and the alteration of natures is [rationally] inconceivable.


As for Messengers, upon them be prayers and peace, it is necessary for them: truthfulness, trustworthiness and conveyance. It is inconceivable for them: Lying, deceit and concealment [of truth]. It is possible for them what is possible for all human beings; however, only that which does not lead to any deficiency in their lofty stations like disease and its like.

The proof for their truthfulness are miracles. If they were not trustworthy agents then they would have been deceitful. If they did not convey then they would have surely been concealers [of truth] - and that is inconceivable.

The proof of possibility regarding these conditions for them is their occurring for them as witnessed by the people of their time and transmitted to us by way of infallible reports.

And through Allah is all facilitation, there is no Lord save Him, none worthy of worship except Him. May Allah send prayers and peace upon our Master Muhammad, his family and companions. All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Universe. I have completed [it] praise is Allah's. May Allah send prayers upon our Master Muhammad.

Author: Abū‘AbdullāhMuhammad b. Yūsuf al-Sanūsī al-Mālikī

Translated by Shams Tameez

متن العقيده الحفيدة

إعلم أن مولانا جل وعز واجب الوجود، والقدم، والبقاء، مخالف لخلقه، قائم بنفسه، غني عن المحل والمخصص، واحد في ذاته وصفاته وأفعاله. وتجب له القدرة، والإرادة، والعلم، والحياة، والسمع، والبصر والكلام. وكونه قادرا، ومريدا، وعالما، وحيا، وسميعا، وبصيرا ومتكلما. ويستحيل عليه جل وعز العدم، والحدوث، وطرو العدم، والمماثلة للحوادث، والافتقار إلى المحل والمخصص، والشريك. وكذا يستحيل عليه جل وعز العجز، والكراهة، والجهل، والموت، والصمم، والعمى والبكم. ويجوز في حقه تعالى فعل كل ممكن أو تركه. والدليل على وجوده تعالى حدوث العالم. ولو لم يكن قديما لكان حادثا. ولو لم يكن باقيا لكان فانيا. ولو لم يكن مخالفا لخلقه لكان مثلهم. ولو لم يكن قائما بنفسه لاحتاج إلى المحل والمخصص. ولو افتقر إلى محل لكان صفة. ولو احتاج إلى مخصص لكان حادثا. ولو لم يكن واحدا لكان مقهورا، وهو القاهر فوق عباده. ولو لم تجب له تعالى القدرة والإرادة والعلم والحياة لما كان شيء من خلقه. ولو لم يتصف بالسمع والبصر والكلام لكان ناقصا، تعالى الله عن ذلك علوا كبيرا. ولو لم يكن فعل الممكنات وتركها جائزا لانقلبت الحقائق، وقلب الحقائق مستحيل. وأما الرسل عليهم الصلاة والسلام، فيجب في حقهم الصدق، والأمانة، والتبليغ . ويستحيل عليهم الكذب، والخيانة والكتمان. ويجوز في حقهم عليهم الصلاة والسلام ما يجوز في حق سائر البشر - لكن مما لا يؤدي إلى النقص في مراتبهم العلية - كالمرض ونحوه. والدليل على صدقهم: المعجزات. ولو لم يكونوا أمناء لكانوا خائنين. ولو لم يبلغوا لكانوا كاتمين. وذلك محال. ودليل جواز الأعراض عليهم: مشاهدة وقوعها بهم لأهل زمانهم، ونقلت إينا بالتواتر. وبالله التوفيق، لا رب غيره ولا معبود سواه. صلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه. والحمد لله رب العالمين. كملت بحمد الله، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد.



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